Friday, February 25, 2005

Troy Ward 3 Boundaries

Many people have asked me, "Am I in Ward 3 and can I vote for you?" Thanks to the City of Troy, a map of the ward boundaries is available online.

As you can see below, Ward 3 encompasses everything on the east side of Staunton Road and Main Street to the eastern City limit. More specifically the line goes from the northern boundary of the Taylor Lake subdivision, follows Staunton Road to Market Street, follows Market Street to Main Street, and then follows Main Street to US Hwy 40, and then to the edges of the Creekside subdivision. There are approximately 1500 or so registered voters in the Ward.

A full ward map with the other three city ward's is available at the City of Troy's website. It's also available in .pdf format.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Welcome to Adomite Blog

Welcome to the Adomite Blog, the Blog for my campaign for Alderman in the City of Troy. Over the next six weeks, I plan to post information about my candidacy, the issues facing the future for the City of Troy, and events pertaining to the City's municipal election on April 5th.

I also hope to provide an ongoing informative dialogue about City issues post-election. I'm glad that you visited my Blog and I hope that you'll visit again soon. There are/were no fees for providing this blog, however any future fees that might be involved will be Paid for by Americans for Allen Adomite, 494 Lower Marine Road, Troy, IL 62294. A copy of our report is/will be filed with the Illinois State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL and is available on the ISBE website.