Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Candidate Review: Collinsville Herald

The candidate reviews for Troy's municipal races has hit the news stands!

From the Collinsville Herald-Journal:

Allen Adomite, 29, is also running for alderman of Ward 3. He said he gained valuable experience as a legislative staff member for the Illinois General Assembly for four years.

"Communication is the key to making sure the job is done right the first time," Adomite said, "which is why I'm proposing the appointment of citizen advisors onto the Public Works Committee."

Adomite said advisors would create better dialogue between the city, its contractors and neighbors during street construction.

Throughout the campaign, Adomite has visited with numerous residents and has valued what he has learned through speaking with people.

"My commitment to meet with residents on their doorstep will not stop after Election Day," he said. "The citizens in Ward 3 have always valued the accessibility of their aldermen, and I plan to continue that tradition."

(An additional note: I'd like to quickly thank the 500+ people I've already had the opportunity to speak with on doorsteps in our Ward. I feel like representing you on the Council is much more than attending meetings, it's working to meet you at your home to talk about the things that affect your neighborhood and family. Hope to see many more of you for a first, second, or maybe even third visit by April 5th!)


Blogger Diane said...

Good Luck to you Allen, I just know you're going to do well and then watch out!

6:23 AM  

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